Comprendre les différents types de sable de fracturation et leurs utilisations dans la production pétrolière et gazière

Le sable de fracturation, également connu sous le nom de sable de fracturation, est un composant essentiel de la production pétrolière et gazière. Il est utilisé pour maintenir les fractures créées dans les formations rocheuses lors du processus de fracturation hydraulique. Sans cela, les fractures se refermeraient et le pétrole et le gaz ne pourraient pas s’écouler.


N° de modèle


HumideTaille des maillesCapacité Tonnes/HeureG2036-3Sable de silice, sable de quartz, sable de fracturation
Sec2G2036-3Sable de silice, sable de quartz, sable de fracturation40 / 70 / 1406
Sec4G2036-2Sable de silice, sable de quartz, sable de fracturation40 / 70 / 14010
SecSilica sand, quartz sand, frac sandDry 70 / 14015
Resin-coated sand is a type of frac sand that is coated with a resin to improve its strength and durability. The resin helps to reduce the amount of dust created during the fracturing process, and also helps to reduce the amount of water needed for the process. Resin-coated sand is often used in horizontal wells, where it can help to reduce the amount of water needed for the fracturing process.

Finally, there is bauxite proppant, which is made from a combination of bauxite ore and other minerals. Bauxite proppant is used in high-temperature applications, such as geothermal wells, where it can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Each type of frac sand has its own unique properties and uses, and it is important to understand the differences between them in order to ensure that the right type of sand is used for the job. By understanding the different types of frac sand and their uses, oil and gas producers can ensure that they are using the most effective and efficient type of sand for their operations.

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